03 July 2010

Iframe in a Post

This example is off-line. If you want to see it, reply in the original query.

25 May 2010

sIFR Post Titles

The sIFR post title demo has ended and normal operation resumed.

This is not the full story about how to add the sIFR titles to the blog, it's just about making what was there work.

Generated a Flash font here:

Downloaded the three files that do the Flash post titles from the site requesting help:

Modified one of the three, blogger-sifr.js, by adding text-align:center; to the css section.

Uploaded the Flash font plus the three files to my web site, and, added <link> and <script> code to the template's <head> section.

<link href='http://.../sifr/sifr.css' media='all' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<script src='http://.../sifr/sifr.js' type='text/javascript'>:lt;/script>
<script src='http://.../sifr/blogger-sifr.js' type='text/javascript'></script>

It worked.

Helpful sites.






The BHF query.

14 January 2010

Javascript Again

There is a wheriz in here someplace. http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/blogger/label?lid=0271191b4249689a&hl=en

13 January 2010

Sites for Problem Javascript

- Create a Site if necessary. -- Sign-in to your Google account. -- http://sites.google.com/ -- Create site. - Create the javascript file and give it a name (mediaplex-test.js). - Copy the code into the file. Do not include the <script></script> wrapper or the <noscript> code. The file should start with: mpt = new Date(); and end with: + "\" alt=\"Click Here\" border=\"0\"></a>" ); }

11 January 2010

Spare-T6-Test: Read More Removed

This is a link test. Spare-T6-Test: Read More Removed

" &quot;