04 December 2009

Base 64 Test 2

Inline Base64 Image

This post has an in-line image. The hydrant is not sourced from an external host (<img src="http://SOME_HOST/image.jpg>). It was converted to base64 using Firefox's "Base64 ⇒ Encoder 1.3.2" plug-in and pasted into the post editor.

This is not an ideal situation for a couple of reasons, but can be used in a pinch. Reason #1 is the image is larger in byte-size than the original, and is full sized: that costs bandwidth and causes page-load speed issues. Another is the size slows the editor.

In this demo, I took a 1,400px high image with a file size of 195KB and scaled it to 500px high. That reduced the file size to <30KB.

Using the Firefox add-on, you select the image, the conversion is done, and the base64 file is saved with a .data extension. Opening the file with a plain text editor reveals the start of the content is: data:image/jpeg;base64,

The comma is followed by the encoded image. The base64 code ends at the end of the file.

To make that useable in a post, add a normal <img src> wrapper: <img src=" - the opener. " alt="" /> - closes the tag.

So, the whole thing will look like this: <img src="_full_image_code_which_will_be_large" alt="" />

Styles, like width:, height:, border, etc., can be added as usual: <img style="width:200px; height:300px; border: 1px solid #ff00ff;" src="data:image/jpeg;base64...

Another use for the in-line image might a favicon if you don't have a host. Create the base64 file the same way, then add the code to a <link> tag in the page's <head> section.

<link href='_full_image_code' rel='icon' type='image/x-icon' />

If you are using Blogger, the best placement is just before </head>.

10 October 2009

100 Pixel Thumbnails

This post support my Blogger Help Forum reply.

#1 - 778px x 583px

#2 - 163px x 200px

#3 - 1,600px x 1,200px

#4 - 200px x 150px

#5 - 310px x 320px

#6 - 500px x 297px

Let's call this Phase 2. Centered vs. top left corner.

This second group, of the same images, are centered. You can see that has a different affect depending on the image used.

20 September 2009

List Expander

How I implemented it.

I downloaded the files from css global.

Since I was going for an any-blog installation, I tried to install the javascript and css in my Blogger layout–template. I was unable to get the javascript that controls the list expander to work, either in the <head> or in a Html/Javascript gadget. It worked fine after uploading it to my web site, so, I created a site on Google Sites and uploaded the file there.

The css went into the template without difficulty. It can be used:

  • Added as a linked styleshheet:
    • link href='http://sites.google.com/site/sparerep/files/listexpander.css' media='screen' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
  • Or, added to the existing stylesheet.
  • Or, wrapped in <style> </style> and added to the <head> section as a separate stylesheet.
  • Or, wrapped in <style> </style> and added to the Html gadget containing the list.

The images for the + and - need to be uploaded. The address needs to be added to the styles everyplace that collapsed.gif or expanded.gif appears. The .gif images can be:

  • Uploaded to a blog post and the image address used without the size folder.
  • Uploaded to the Blog account at http://picasaweb.google.com
    • Sign-in using normal blog account info.
    • Create a new album for the upload.
  • To Photobucket or another host.
  • To the Sites site that holds the javascript file. Make sure the site is public.

The list content as it is in the sidebar, is what was provided with the javascript and css files.

14 September 2009

Fixed Spacing

L o r e m ipsum dolor sit amet, c o n s ectetuer adipiscing elit. U t a s apien. Aliquam aliquet purus molestie dolor. You can also try a pre wrapper (<pre> </pre>), but Blogger has been removing those tags lately.

12 September 2009

OPenOffice Paste uh

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut a sapien. Aliquam aliquet purus molestie dolor. Integer quis eros ut erat posuere dictum. Curabitur dignissim. Integer orci. Fusce vulputate lacus at ipsum. Quisque in libero nec mi laoreet volutpat. Aliquam eros pede, scelerisque quis, tristique cursus, placerat convallis, velit. Nam condimentum. Nulla ut mauris. Curabitur adipiscing, mauris non dictum aliquam, arcu risus dapibus diam, nec sollicitudin quam erat quis ligula. Aenean massa nulla, volutpat eu, accumsan et, fringilla eget, odio. Nulla placerat porta justo. Nulla vitae turpis. Praesent lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam ultricies lacus eu dui. Duis viverra risus et eros. Aenean odio dolor, tristique quis, commodo id, posuere sit amet, dui. Pellentesque velit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis sagittis nibh sed justo. Sed ultrices nisl sed pede. Sed tempor lorem in leo. Integer gravida tincidunt nunc. Vivamus ut quam vel ligula tristique condimentum. Proin facilisis. Aliquam sagittis lacinia mi. Donec sagittis luctus dui. Maecenas quam ante, vestibulum auctor, blandit in, iaculis in, velit. Aliquam at ligula. Nam a tellus. Aliquam eu nulla at turpis vulputate hendrerit. Proin at diam. Curabitur euismod. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque vel erat eget diam consectetuer iaculis. Cras ante velit, suscipit et, porta tempus, dignissim quis, magna. Vivamus viverra, turpis nec rhoncus ultricies, diam turpis eleifend nisl, a eleifend ante felis ac sapien. Integer bibendum. Suspendisse in mi non neque bibendum convallis. Suspendisse potenti. Sed sit amet purus at felis adipiscing aliquam. Vivamus et nisl sit amet mauris aliquet molestie. Integer tortor massa, aliquam a, lacinia nonummy, sagittis nec, eros. Nunc non mauris id eros venenatis adipiscing. Cras et lectus ut nisl pharetra ornare. Proin leo risus, elementum eget, ultrices vitae, molestie sed, erat. Curabitur et lectus in tellus egestas hendrerit. Sed dapibus ipsum. Quisque sit amet ligula. Suspendisse odio dolor, semper id, feugiat quis, sodales id, mauris. Curabitur id ligula ac libero malesuada pharetra.

11 August 2009

Copy Paste #2 ofe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut a sapien. Aliquam aliquet purus molestie dolor. Integer quis eros ut erat posuere dictum. Curabitur dignissim. Integer orci. Fusce vulputate lacus at ipsum. Quisque in libero nec mi laoreet volutpat. Aliquam eros pede, scelerisque quis, tristique cursus, placerat convallis, velit. Nam condimentum. Nulla ut mauris. Curabitur adipiscing, mauris non dictum aliquam, arcu risus dapibus diam, nec sollicitudin quam erat quis ligula. Aenean massa nulla, volutpat eu, accumsan et, fringilla eget, odio. Nulla placerat porta justo. Nulla vitae turpis. Praesent lacus.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam ultricies lacus eu dui. Duis viverra risus et eros. Aenean odio dolor, tristique quis, commodo id, posuere sit amet, dui. Pellentesque velit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis sagittis nibh sed justo. Sed ultrices nisl sed pede. Sed tempor lorem in leo. Integer gravida tincidunt nunc. Vivamus ut quam vel ligula tristique condimentum. Proin facilisis. Aliquam sagittis lacinia mi. Donec sagittis luctus dui. Maecenas quam ante, vestibulum auctor, blandit in, iaculis in, velit. Aliquam at ligula. Nam a tellus. Aliquam eu nulla at turpis vulputate hendrerit. Proin at diam. Curabitur euismod.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque vel erat eget diam consectetuer iaculis. Cras ante velit, suscipit et, porta tempus, dignissim quis, magna. Vivamus viverra, turpis nec rhoncus ultricies, diam turpis eleifend nisl, a eleifend ante felis ac sapien. Integer bibendum. Suspendisse in mi non neque bibendum convallis. Suspendisse potenti. Sed sit amet purus at felis adipiscing aliquam. Vivamus et nisl sit amet mauris aliquet molestie. Integer tortor massa, aliquam a, lacinia nonummy, sagittis nec, eros. Nunc non mauris id eros venenatis adipiscing. Cras et lectus ut nisl pharetra ornare. Proin leo risus, elementum eget, ultrices vitae, molestie sed, erat. Curabitur et lectus in tellus egestas hendrerit. Sed dapibus ipsum. Quisque sit amet ligula. Suspendisse odio dolor, semper id, feugiat quis, sodales id, mauris. Curabitur id ligula ac libero malesuada pharetra.

Copy Paste jfi

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut a sapien. Aliquam aliquet purus molestie dolor. Integer quis eros ut erat posuere dictum. Curabitur dignissim. Integer orci. Fusce vulputate lacus at ipsum. Quisque in libero nec mi laoreet volutpat. Aliquam eros pede, scelerisque quis, tristique cursus, placerat convallis, velit. Nam condimentum. Nulla ut mauris. Curabitur adipiscing, mauris non dictum aliquam, arcu risus dapibus diam, nec sollicitudin quam

24 May 2009

Just a Pic

13 May 2009

Large Image From Photobucket

22 March 2009

Vestibulum Ante Ipsum

    Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam ultricies lacus eu dui. Duis viverra risus et eros. Aenean odio dolor, tristique quis, commodo id, posuere sit amet, dui. Pellentesque velit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis sagittis nibh sed justo. Sed ultrices nisl sed pede. Sed tempor lorem in leo. Integer gravida tincidunt nunc. Vivamus ut quam vel ligula tristique condimentum. Proin facilisis. Aliquam sagittis lacinia mi. Donec sagittis luctus dui. Maecenas quam ante, vestibulum auctor, blandit in, iaculis in, velit. Aliquam at ligula. Nam a tellus. Aliquam eu nulla at turpis vulputate hendrerit. Proin at diam. Curabitur euismod.

13 February 2009

Image IB

First post

Here's the first post.